VSUES is in the wake of success: a new development direction is training of personnel for the state’s military-industrial complex

  • Terentyeva T.V.

    Doctor of Economics, Rector of VSUES; e-mail: tatyana.terenteva@vvsu.ru.
    Vladivostok. Russia


Students’ target preparation in the sphere of defense industry complex (DIC) is one of the priority development fields of education in Russia. The mentioned development direction corresponds to new requirements and is funded through the budget of the state and DIC enterprises.

The contribution of the Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service to the training of personnel for the regional defense industry complex enterprises, types and methods of target preparation in the university, further prospects of this sphere development are presented in the article. Researches have approved that VSUES increases the turnover of personnel training for defense industry annually by means of realization of the Ministry of Education and Science projects and the university’s and DIC enterprises’ consolidated plans. The high quality of the target preparation program realization, expansion of employers’ participance practice at preparation and implementation of educational programs, educational infrastructure development and creation of consolidated project teams for solving of the DIC enterprises’ modern research and production problems are provided by means of a unique type of practice-integrated education process, the highly qualified teaching personnel and a modern material and technical resources base.

VSUES has a unique experience at the student’s target preparation; it is the only economic university in the country that take part in the projects and training programs for defense industry complex, though VSUES doesn’t specialize in the defense industry field.

Our university participation in the “New personnel of defense industry complex” program encourages efforts intensification and aimed at improvement and modernization of education programs of higher and secondary professional education to meet the interests of the deference industry of the region. Annual demand increase on the education programs of technological field in VSUES is the result achieved by the university. Education infrastructure, training programs and modules, programs of the teaching staff qualification improvement, career guidance provision are created and progressing.

Keywords: defense industry complex development, target education for DIC enterprises, target admission, practice integrated education, personnel training for defense industry complex.